In the dynamic landscape of Cardano, the past week has been filled with noteworthy advancements.

Input Output Global (IOG), the driving force behind Cardano’s research and development, has been actively pushing the boundaries in various aspects of the Cardano ecosystem. These achievements were described in IOG’s latest Weekly Development Report, which was published on Essential Cardano on 7 July 2023.

The DB Sync team has been focusing on enhancing the Conway integration with db-sync and testing the UTXO-HD feature branches. They’ve also been refining their build processes, improving the overall developer experience, and adding new tests for better reliability.

Simultaneously, the Lace team has been working on the cardano-js-sdk, updating the TxBuilder, and developing the Lace browser application. They’ve also been making strides in improving responsiveness and support for Trezor.

On the smart contracts front, the Plutus team has been working on enhancing support for BLS built-ins in Plutus Tx and defining objectives for the coming months. They’ve also been celebrating the launch of Marlowe, a new development in the world of smart contracts.

In terms of scaling, the Hydra team has been making progress on layer 2 protocol improvements and released version 0.11.0 of their project. The Mithril team, on the other hand, has been working on the deployment of the mainnet infrastructure and fixing bugs in the epoch gap detection of the certificate chain in the aggregator.

The Voltaire team has been engaging in conversations on CIP-1694 to establish an initial Minimum Viable Governance (MVG) framework. This is a crucial step towards advancing participatory governance within the Cardano ecosystem.

Lastly, Project Catalyst saw over 300 proposals submitted for Fund10, and the technical team has been making significant updates to the mobile app and other backend services.

In summary, the Cardano ecosystem is buzzing with activity and progress. With 134 projects launched, over 8.51 million native tokens generated, and 8740 Plutus scripts executed, Cardano continues to evolve and grow.

Featured Image Credit: Photo / illustration by Traxer via Unsplash