As more individuals venture into the decentralized web, Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has made efforts to enhance the security and user experience of its non-custodial wallet (“Coinbase Wallet“). The company aims to make web3 interactions easier and more secure for its users.

According to Coinbase’s blog post, to provide a clearer picture of transactions, Coinbase Wallet now includes transaction previews, which give users an estimate of the impact on their token and NFT balances before confirming a transaction. The wallet also alerts users when a dapp is seeking access to their assets, promoting greater transparency in the process.

Source: Coinbase

In terms of security, Coinbase Wallet has integrated a dapp blocklist to warn users of any potential risks associated with visiting flagged dapps. The wallet also protects users from malicious airdrops through its spam token management feature, and users have the ability to manually hide and report any suspicious tokens they encounter.

Source: Coinbase

Coinbase Wallet also gives users more control over their assets. They can revoke dapp connections directly from within the app, and create multiple sets of multichain addresses with customizable labels and security settings.

Source: Coinbase

Additionally, the wallet has expanded support for Ledger hardware wallets to offer users a balance between software and hardware security options.