Apple co-founder and legendary programmer Steve Wozniak said that Bitcoin is superior to gold and a “mathematical miracle.”

As Cointelegraph previously reported, per an article in Mexican newspaper El Sol de México, on July 8, at the Jalisco Talent Land Digital 2021 event, Wozniak talked about Bitcoin during his presentation, calling it “the only digital gold.” (This is “the largest connection and interaction event between young talent, specialists, companies and the government for the development of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship projects.”)

Woz referred to gold as “limited” and noted the difficulty of having to search for and extract the precious metal from the ground. 

He said:

Gold is limited and you have to look for it. Bitcoin is the most amazing mathematical miracle. I do not invest in Bitcoin, but I believe it’s here to stay.

Wozniak’s comments come just days after Mexican billionaire businessman Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego, who is the founder and chairman of Mexican conglomerate Grupo Salinas, said that it was “absolutely right” to refer to Bitcoin as the new form of gold. 

Pliego published a tweet in response to MicroStrategy’s Michael Saylor, noting that Bitcoin was much more portable and convenient than gold. 


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Image by MichaelWuensch from Pixabay