As another sign of crypto becoming more mainstream, one of the world’ top universities, London's School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), is offering, for the time, a six-week online course in cryptocurrency investment.

The aim of the course is to help the student develop “the knowledge to understand both the technology and the markets underpinning cryptocurrencies, focusing on the practical aspects of these assets including wallets, exchange, ICOs and regulation.”

LSE says that the “Cryptocurrency Investment and Disruption” course is an online course that awards you a certificate if your overall grade (for coursework/homework assigned during each of the six weeks) across the course’s six modules. 

Here is what you learn in each of the six modules:

  1. “What are cryptocurrencies and the blockchain?” 
  2. “The cryptocurrency infrastructure and ecosystem”
  3. “Money, value, markets and institutions”
  4. “Cryptocurrency market analysis, trading, and investment”
  5. “Cryptocurrency regulation and risks”
  6. “Cryptocurrencies in a global innovation context”

The course starts on 22 August 2018 and costs GBP 1,800. You are expected to put in 8–10 hours of study time per week.

LSE’s alumni and faculty members have received 18 Nobel Prizes in economics, peace and literature. Over 34 past or present prime ministers, presidents and premiers have graduated from LSE. Its list of famous alumni includes George Soros, David Rockefeller, and Janet Napolitano.   

According to the Financial Times, which communicated via email with Saul Estrin, who is a Professor of Management Economics and Strategy and the founding head of LSE’s Department of Management, this course is less about learning how to trade/invest in cryptocurrencies and more about getting “a fundamental overview of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies”:

“… this course is about technological and social issues related to these new currencies. This is not a Finance course and it is not about teaching people how to invest or what to invest in.”

In the UK, Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, has launched a new six-week online course (which starts on 18 July 2018) called the “Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme”, which “cohesively integrates relevant information on blockchain for business leaders and innovators by showcasing best use cases, value propositions, and implementation strategies in the blockchain industry.”


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